The muses can sing to me in many ways, triggering ideas for a new tale. One of the more unusual inspirations for me was a video by a music company called “Two Steps From Hell” (hell-earth-heaven) and the instrumental that stirred my blood was called To Glory.
After hearing it, I began to write a story line for a movie. I envisioned that particular music playing through the opening credits, and imagined quick scenes to fill the screen at the beginning of the film. From there, the tale unfolded.
The screenplay still sits in my files, though it is not formatted for production. One day, perhaps it will be dusted off and find its way to the silver screen.
Does music inspire you? Where does it lead you?
[Thanks to cocoparisienne of Pixabay for the featured image.]
Music has ALWAYS inspired me! The FIGHT SONG played by The Piano Guys is one of my favourites. I love music that gives you a powerful emotional response either from the lyrics or the tune itself.